Monday, July 1, 2013

Personal Responsibility

Over the weekend, a (assumed) drunk driver ran his/her vehicle into my grandmother's house.  Into the house.  Went through the ditch, into three trees, a flower bed, and the house, leaving tire tracks and a gaping hole, not to mention an exposed underground cable and broken plumbing and electricity in his wake.

And then, with the truck still slammed up against the house, the culprit ran off.

To me, the idea of running away irks me even more than the accident.  There have been a rash of hit and run accidents around my hometown, and it pisses me off.  Don't get me wrong, I can understand being scared of the consequences.  I can't imagine how scared I would be if I were in the same position.

I'm not saying I'm the best about taking responsibility for my actions.  I've been known to tell some white lies, and it's something I'm working on.  And even thought I admit there is a big difference between not telling someone you ate the last cookie and leaving the scene of an accident,  I see a relationship between the two.

It's all about responsibility.  Where is the line between a white lie and a gross misdemeanor? What are the signs of a bigger issue?  

How do we get it back?

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