Sunday, May 26, 2013

You Might Be a Hotel Maid if...

I recently went back to work at the same motel where I worked in high school.  This Memorial Day weekend has been a typically busy holiday weekend, and I will have worked three cleaning shifts by the time the weekend is up.  I will say this: cleaning motel rooms does not get any easier, cooler, or less disgusting after college.  It does, however, leave me with a LOT of time by myself to think (I keep forgetting my iPod, so talking to myself happens), and I have come up with a list of idiosyncrasies that occur among hotel maids.  And so, a la Jeff Foxworthy, you might be a hotel maid if:

  1. You can make a queen bed in under four minutes, but the bed you sleep in hasn't been made since you last washed the sheets (quite possibly a while ago).
  2. You come home from work with pockets stuffed full of used dryer sheets that got folded into the laundry.
  3. When staying at a hotel, you always tip the maid.
  4. You haven't dusted your own home for the better part of a year.
  5. You have a favorite cleaner for wood, tile, stainless, fiberglass, and carpet, but none of them are made by the same company.
  6. You can spot a hair on the floor at twenty feet.
  7. You can't accomplish anything if your hair isn't in a ponytail.
  8. When staying at a hotel, you refuse to brush your hair unless standing on carpet (because it's easier to vacuum it up than wipe it off the bathroom tile).
  9. You want to physically harm anyone with the audacity to actually use the in-room microwave.
Thank God I don't work for a chain.
I wear jeans and a T-shirt.

Any fellow maids out there?  What did I miss?

Be safe this Memorial Day!

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