Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Things I Don't Know

I'll be the first to admit, I'm not a genius.

That said, I wouldn't consider myself a schmuck either.  I went to a liberal arts college, I've read Moliere and Joseph Conrad and Eve Ensler, and I took physics as an elective.

But over the past few years, I've realized there are things I absolutely don't know, and the kicker is, they're all simple things.  The kinds of things that are so commonplace people actually don't talk about them.  The kinds of things four-year-olds ask you about in the car.  And, whether I'm just forgetful or the least inquisitive child that ever existed, I don't them.  Things like:

  1. How does a landline phone work - and why does it still work when the power goes out?
  2. How are animal eggs fertilized? (Yes, I live on a farm and no, I really don't know how this works - no one ever said I learned much in biology.)
  3. What is the actual purpose of a water tower?
To me, it's sad.  I should know these things, right?  But I know it's not just me.  The thing about landlines and power outages came up in class one day my senior year, and no one knew the answer.  It's just a thing we all take for granted.  

Where is curiosity?  Is this part of growing up - or is this just me?

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