Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year, New Chances - Giving with Goals

New Year's Resolutions get such a bad rap.  I mean, you can't really blame them, with how quickly they fall by the wayside.  I personally don't like the word "resolution."  I prefer goals.

There are some secrets to the art of goal-making and goal-keeping.  When it comes to goal-making, keep in mind that it isn't just a year in broad terms.  What do you want to accomplish this week?  This month?  What about today?  A combination of short-term and long-term goals keeps you from becoming overwhelmed.  Don't just think about how you want your life to be different at this time next year, think about what you need to change now to improve your life and your attitude.

Goal-keeping.  It's cliche, but write them down, and put the list somewhere you will see it (posting it on a shelf in the linen closet isn't going to cut it).  If you have a love of Pinterest like I do, create a Vision Board and pin pictures that represent your goals.  Move the board to the top of your profile page, and you'll see it every time you look for a pin.  And if you do have some long-term goals, break them down into smaller chunks.  If you want to save $500 for a new gadget by the end of the year, remind yourself how much you have to save by the end of each month and you'll be more likely to succeed without pulling your hair out or living on Ramen from October on.

But don't just think about yourself.

This time of goals and renewals is the perfect time to move out of the self-absorbed shells we all seem to carry around these days.  Make a commitment to yourself to do something better, to give back for your blessings (and if you have a computer to read this, I know you are blessed).  Is there a charity that tugs at your heart?  Make a goal to give to them in some way, whether it is with money or your time or something else entirely.  Are there people in your life you could use friendship and support?  Set your heart on taking time out to bless them with your presence, digital or in-person (put an emphasis on in-person).

My 2014 Goal #1 is to donate blood more frequently.  Giving blood is so easy.  If you've never done it, I really suggest you try it at least once.  It's not as scary as you might think, and it doesn't take long at all.  It takes no money, and it saves lives.  It doesn't get much better than that.  Start here to find out more.

Give of yourself.  You'll feel better about yourself, and that we keep you on track with your goals.

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